Installion of Openstack on Ubuntu 16.04 server using Devstack package.
DevStack is a series of extensible scripts used to quickly bring up a complete OpenStack environment based on the latest versions of everything from git master. It is used interactively as a development environment and as the basis for much of the OpenStack project’s functional testing.
DevStack will make substantial changes to your system during installation. Only run DevStack on servers or virtual machines that are dedicated to this purpose.
- Minimum 4GB of RAM with 50GB+ Disk space
- 2 CPU processors and enable NAT and virtualization feature
- Python 3.5 or 3.4 required
Installation steps:
Step 1: Devstack attempts to support Ubuntu 16.04/17.04, Fedora 24/25, CentOS/RHEL 7, as well as Debian and OpenSUSE. So install any of the above server on your vm.
Step2: Devstack should be run as a non-root user with sudo enabled. You can quickly create a separate stack user to run DevStack.
$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack
Step3: Configure Proxy if required in the path /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy
Acquire::http::Proxy "_____"
Step4: User should have sudo priveleges
$ echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack
Step5: Perform following updates using command
$sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get git
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
Step6: Switch user to stack
$ sudo su - stack
Step7: Configure git to clone the package from git url if added proxy
$ git
config --global http.proxy "----Proxy----------------"
Step8: Download Devstack from following git url and change directory to devstack
$ git clone
$ cd devstack
Step9: Create a local.conf
file with 4 passwords preset at the root of the devstack git repo
Step10: This is the minimum required configuration need to start devstack. Now start Devstack by running script
$ ./
Script starts running and it takes 20-30 minutes depends on the internet connection. At last end with the following things to view Openstack dashboard, Please find the picture below .
Thanks....!!!!!!!!!Enjoy exploring openstack